Hours of Operation:
Monday: 1:00 - 8:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 8:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 5:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 8:00
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9:00 - 2:00
Sunday: Closed
Become a Volunteer
Volunteer assistance is always greatly appreciated by library staff. By donating a couple of hours of your spare time on a weekly or monthly basis to help with ongoing tasks, you can contribute to the library in valuable ways.
Where do we need help?
Shelving - shelving library materials is a great way to get to know the collection and the library staff.
Administrative Help - special projects helping the library director are periodically available.
The Local History & Genealogy Room - If you have an interest in Geneaology or History why not consider volunteering in our Local History Room. Days, times and projects are varied and flexible.
Fundraising Committee - The fundraising committee, which meets monthly, plans fundraising events to raise money for our library programs. Serving on this committee requires commitment and time, but is also greatly rewarding....and fun!
Program Committee - Are you an idea person? Join the Program Committee and help brainstorm new ideas for library programming.
Share Your Knowledge - Have a special skill or passion that you can share? Volunteer to teach a workshop or a class for your community. Contact the Library Director here to talk about your ideas.
Volunteer at the Historic Dr. Best House & Medical Exhibit - find out more information about volunteering at the Dr. Best House here.
For Adults
Thank you for your interest in helping the library. The library is currently working with many dedicated individuals to accomplish daily tasks and special projects. If you are interested in getting involved, please download the volunteer application and return it to the Help Desk. We will contact you as volunteer opportunities become available.
For Teens(12-18)
Students aged 12-18 are eligible to become Teen Library Volunteers. During the school year you can volunteer to help at programs and events or to help clean and organize toys in the Play & Learn Center. Other projects may also be available. During the Summer you can volunteer to help out with the Summer Reading Program. If you are interested please fill out the Teen Volunteer Application and return it to the Help Desk.